Lead Resource Fair

CLASH's first Lead Safe Resource Fair was held at the East Cleveland Pubic Library on Saturday October 28, 2023. 

Reports from Exhibitors

Ellie at the SoilSHOP table reports: We had a total of 3 soilSHOP participants. One person had lead values that were very high, Shannon from EPA Region 5 will be following up with her. Another community member was able to use the screen to determine they had a safe area to install a swing set/ play area in their backyard.

There were 26 registered guests although there were many more people browsing around.



Some interesting questions

Will Cleveland Water department test water in a high rise building?

A landlord asked: Why do I have to test every two years?

What worked

One on one encounters between families at risk, landlords and activists with the programs designed to address their needs.

Presentations on lead safety subjects.

Needs Improvement

Who should have included?

It might be helpful to have some homeowners (that utilized public funding) briefly share their successful lead remediation/abatement stories and encourage people to stop by the board of health's table. 

Other comments 

Just wanted to say it was a great event! Thank you!

Lead Resource Fair confirmed

Breaking News

Maria Jose Talayero Schettino Lead Author of The association between lead exposure and crime: A systematic review will be making a presentation on the issue of lead and crime at 11AM. You can "meet" Dr. Maria explaining her study on Vimeo.

EPA will be doing soil lead testing at their exhibitor table from 10AM-2PM. If you missed this summer's SoilSHOP events, you have another chance to have your garden or recreational soil tested for lead contamination. Follow the link to find out how to prepare a sample to be tested.

CHN Housing Partners will be present to answer questions about financial support for property owners in the City of Cleveland seeking to qualify for Lead Safe Certificates.

The first 50 participants who register will be eligible for a $10 Amazon Gift card if the visit at least 5 exhibitor tables. 


10.45 AM: Cuyahoga County Board of Health--Resources for remediation and the process of lead hazard control orders

11 AM: Maria Jose Talayero Schettino. Lead Author of The association between lead exposure and crime: A systematic review

11.45 AM: Bright Beginnings-Case management services for families dealing with lead issues.

12.15 PM: US EPA-Renovate Right: using lead safe practices around the home.

12.30 PM: US EPA-Lead in soil; SoilSHOP program.

12.45 PM: C-COAL - A grassroots lead activist program.