2024 Goals and Program

Six goals for 2024

Awareness: increase public awareness of the scope and pervasiveness of lead in our community environment.

Awareness Activities

Awareness Projects

Engagement Goals. People who are aware of lead in their homes and communities take steps to address their lead hazards. AKA grassroots organizing.

Engagement Activities 

Engagement Projects

Advocacy goals. Push for public policy changes that protect and enhance local lead safe ordinances and expand lead safe protections at the state and Federal levels.

Advocacy Activities

2. Cleveland creates relocation services for families displaced by lead hazards. 

3. Tenants get a voice in policy and implementation

3. Advocacy Goal: City of Cleveland: Fix'm up or tear'm down

4. Advocacy Goal: Cuyahoga County expand child lead testing and lead safe facilities.

5. Advocacy Goal: Ohio expands child lead testing requirements

6. Advocacy Goal: Federal legislation and regulation

7. Advocacy Goal: Support electoral coalitions in Cleveland designed to shift the balance of power between citizens and  corporate/philanthropic/political elites. 

FYI: Here's a good summary of the current Federal initiatives around Lead

Empowerment goals: Assisting at risk families to secure stable, lead free housing and justice for their claims.

Empowerment Projects

 Management goals

Research: Investigating emerging lead issues in the community. Volunteers needed for each research area.

Hot ideas

County respond to Ronayne response. On line /in person petitions maybe coincide with March Health and Welfare levy.

Survey on Lead and Nutrition--Yvonka

Lead and Crime: meet with Shaun re the studies and policies (Yvonka)

Funnel RRP, disclosure cases to US Attorney. 

Hardware monitoring

Lead Grants link intermediaries and grassroots groups

Lead testing in Juvie Court, jail?

Shift emphasis from tabling at other people's events to sponsoring our own events

TA to City of Cleveland Heights in their roll out

Support Grassroots organizations around specific needs

Some principles of Strategic planning