2025 Goals (proposed)
Keep in mind that CLASH is a volunteer driven organization.
What we can do depends on you!
Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something
Cleveland City Council and Mayor
Revise Lead Safe Certificate Law to expand tenants access to info and incorporate lead risk assessments into the law
Create a Policy Tool Kit for Policymakers.
Brief candidates for Mayor and City Council on lead safety.
Testify at Council hearings.
Monitor Lead Safe Advisory Board and Lead Screening and Testing Commission.
US Congress:
Work to get Lead Safe Housing for Kids Act (LSHKA) reintroduced.
Seek hearings on LSHKA
Cleveland's Lead Safe Certificate Law. Push for speedy implementation, add new services including relocation, a lead ombudsperson, public access to lead safe information.
Increase Child Testing. Sponsor local mobile events. Promote Lead Testing services for immigrant Communities. Introduce the idea of Universal Child Testing
Relocation Assistance for at risk families that often need permanent and temporary housing.
Compliance with EPA Lead and Copper Rule by Cleveland Division of Water. CWD needs to share plans for compliance with the new Lead and Copper Rule
Cleveland Metropolitan School District has testing and remediation goals to address. Strengthen State goals for water testing.
Campaign: Draft and introduce legislation to require Universal Child Testing in Ohio.
Promote the Lead Safe Housing for Kids Act
Project Cuyahoga County Council, County Executive, County Board of Health
Provide Child Testing in WIC program
Test Foster Homes for Lead
Test Children in Foster care for Lead
Address lead and juvenile justice system
Promote lead safe certificate program to inner ring suburbs
Activism: AKA Empowerment. Supporting by action against lead in their own homes and communities
Core Program: Answers to your lead questions and referrals
Project: Lead Safe Resource Fairs (planning)
Housing Providers Resource Fair
Renters Resource Fair
Lead Poisoning Prevention Week Resource Fair
Project: Soil screening and testing (planning)
Project: Child Lead testing events (planning)
Campaign: CMHA and HUD compliance
Test all pre 1978 units
Child testing for residents in pre-1978 units who are under age 6
Lead safety awareness activities and events
Project: Report Back Data Results to the Community. A collaboration with the University of Arizona. "Report Back" is based on CLASH's Barriers to Childhood Lead Testing project and publication.
Assist tenants to receive lead disclosure information as required by law. (planning)
Project: Workforce Development (supporting NEOBHC).
Project: Voter registration at awareness events
Project: Tell Your Story--The voices of Lead Poisoning Survivors
Awareness: Building the base with facts
CLASH Website provides a wealth of information about lead safety. Check out Resources and Research.
Stay in Touch-CLASH's weekly e-newsletter. Information on lead hazards and lead safety activism from Cleveland, Ohio, and Around Us. Subscribe here.
Tabling at community events.
Training for community professionals who work with young children and their families.
Outreach to Immigrant communities
Organizational Goals
Promote CLASH Values: Volunteer driven, favoring Direct Action, Collaboration and Membership,
Support Research and Development. Professionals experiences with DIY home lead test kits
Revise CLASH Charter and Bylaws to come into conformance with actual practice and assure democratic processes that respect minority rights.